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A Good News Story 05/04/2024


So for those of you that don't know. Emerald Journey began in 2023. But it's only fair to explain how and why we started. In October I was emailed by a lovely lady who not only was my boss once upon a time, but someone who became a beacon to me, who helped me develop and grow and reach new heights.


Who... What...Why?


During October of 2023 i was approached by Debra Green OBE. Director and founder of Redeeming Our Communities. I had worked for Debra many years ago as an Intern and I have to say, it was the best job I had ever had. During this time i learnt so many skills that allowed me to move forward with passion and pride... But back to October... I was emailed regarding some assistance that was needed as a Technician at a conference. After all that Debra had done for me I jumped at the opportunity to help, and it was here at this conference that Emerald Journey went from Dream, to Reality.

During my time here i had met some amazing people that were doing some incredible things across the UK. Different projects, different organisations, different skill sets that were all forward with helping people achieve great things. Whilst sat at the conference I had received a key. Why was this important? Well we have all heard the saying when one door shuts another opens... This is exactly what had happened. I spent years helping people with Mental Health in various ways and always wanted to make this a job as it's something i loved doing with a passion and i knew i would love to do this day in day out... But this key wasnt just any key...well technically it was... but what it meant for me was so much more. Engraved on the top of the key was the word "Hope" and this was the final box ticked for me. I knew I was going to start Emerald Journey. Whilst here i met a lovely guy called Andy who runs Pure247Radio and i Have had chance to catch up and chat with Andy and this is the story.


I had spoken to Andy regarding the vision and the mission of the company and what we did and exactly how we did it, and safe to say Andy was very pleased. We are now in discussion of Interviews and seeing how we can help each other grow and connections we can make to ensure that the vision of both companies grows and reaches the targets we wish them too. Keep an eye on this space to hear more, see more and experience what Emerald Journey has to offer to you and those around you. Check out Pure247Radio below and tune in.


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