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About Us



In the Beginning

Emerald Journey is a Mental Health Company that has a focus on One-to-One support in the community, be it online, face to face, over the phone, basically if we can reach you, we will support you.


The journey began over 15 years ago, dealing with my own Mental Health battle. This was a time when i didn't have contact numbers, I was handling school, GCSE's, and trying to not get bullied. This however wasn't the case. Growing up I had the support from my parents, more so my mum as my dad would be out working and due to where he worked, he would be out for the week. I was the child that would bounce off the walls, had no fear, took risks, and didn't listen... but not in a bad way.


I tried to find friends and was heavily bullied. I didn't "fit in" with the popular kids, so I tried hard to find acceptance and ended up following the wrong crowd. My mum saw me struggle and this brought emotional battles for her, so she would find me a school where i could excel and not face being bullied on a daily basis. This meant sadly i was between schools, trying to find where I was accepted and i could proceed with education and make it through.


Over the years, I handled depression, anxiety and being the "odd one out". I would always put others needs before my own as i admittedly felt less important. This gave me insight to peoples lives, their battles with their own Mental Health, Physical Health, insecurities and so on. 


So for 15 years, I battled with my head, sure it wasn't easy, it came with immense difficulty, depression, suicide, homelessness...

Here we are

I conquered my biggest fear. Failure. I accepted the struggle and decided to use it as fuel to help other people steer away from the battle i faced.


Emerald Journey isn't just a company that will exist, it's a company that WILL, make a difference. We are not trained professionals, we may not have Masters, Doctorates, PhD's and titles, but we do have experience. We understand first hand the difficulties and emotions behind Mental Health, Physical Health, Bereavements, Domestic issues, loneliness, isolation... you get the point, and we are here to help

Be there


Personalise our help


What can we do?

Be There

Our community is the heart and soul of what we do. Working with people around us, that are living the experiences we have dealt with first hand. By being present, meeting new people and learning about them and being there with them to help them through the struggle.


From living experience we understand the pain, what it feels like to feel so low and think the way we do. We understand sitting in a room and talking may not be the best way we can support those we come into contact with and we understand the importance of communication.

Personalise our help

We know that each individual has a way of dealing with things. Some like to go out, walk, read books, listen to music, play games. Some like to engage in hobbies, tinker, fix things, help others. Some like silence, quiet time, time to reflect... We are human, 8 billion people cant all think the same, so we adapt, we cater to the comforts of others and find ways to help those around us by getting to know the individual and build a relationship of trust and understanding.


As I have said, we are not professionals, and by teaching we mean showing others that there are people out there that care, people that understand and people that can help. We work off lived experiences so understand the emotions behind the pain. As well as helping people, we will teach them to use their experience as a power. Embrace the pain and use it as fuel to keep people away from the emotions and thoughts that it puts us through and effectively create a more powerful support network of knowledge, removing stigma's and helping the Mental Health Wellbeing of all we can. 

Be there


Personalise our help


What can you do?

Pride Hug

You already are.

We welcome anyone and everyone, no labels, not judgements, no rejection, no lack of commitment, if we aren't giving 1000% then we are giving 500% times two... at the same time.


We thrive off working together, working with businesses in the same field to find more people, bring them together and help the wider community.


We work with groups across the board, engage in events and are present with them so that they too can show their support towards Mental Health

Become a Partner

To be a partner we aim to find a unique service you can offer. A location for people to use and/or people to talk to. Experience is key, so we want to have people with knowledge onboard so we can offer the best service possible and make the biggest impact.

Become a Collaborator

If you have a group already, people around you that would find it helpful to have Emerald Journey there, let us know. We would love to come and attend events with you, and show people around you that you're thinking of more than just a group and more of the wellbeing and how they are feeling.

If anything about us has created an interest then please

Get in Touch

Let’s Work Together

East Parade, Rhyl

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