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Who We Are

Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2023, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch The Emerald Journey. We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits.

But that's just the beginning. Please click below and find out what we do and how we do it.

What We Do

Meaningful Work

Friends in Nature


Transforming Lives

Emerald Journey is dedicated to putting our community first. Our Team provides a much-needed service for those in dire need. People who feel they have no-one to talk to have an open space to talk about anything on their mind in a safe place close by.

Community Outreach

Helping Those Who Need Us Most

Emerald Journey is a leader in the sector and ensures that local needs and priorities come first. Our Community Outreach ethos offers a much-desired platform for people who need it most. By supporting young and old, we open our services to anyone and everyone, whether it be Loneliness, Mental Health, even just a chat, we are here to make a difference. 

Holding Hands
Female Speaker

Passion behind every Mind

Only the Best

Mental Health is our Key focus. As a charity we aim to not only be their for you in your time of need, but give you great advice to take away to make those times a little easier. We aim to give not only you, but the people around you a way of understanding the whats and whys of how it feels and how to be there as a strong supporter.

Who we work with

No events at the moment


We take pride in what we achieve, by being at the front line and helping people through hardships. We aim to be seen across the country and by purchasing any Merchandise you can help us achieve that.

Subscribe Form

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Image by Harli  Marten


Thank you for considering donating to Emerald Journey. We would like you to know exactly what your contribution is going towards and by filling the form below we can contact you and let you know exactly that.

We hope to make a HUGE impact on the statistics that currently stand and see a dramatic change as we build and grow.

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